Williams Institute Open House: RSVP Form
All UCLA Law students are invited to join the staff of the Williams Institute for our annual Open House!  

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Room 1347
Lunch and Q&A will continue to the PILP Courtyard

The Institute is an interdisciplinary research center at the UCLA School of Law dedicated to rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy.  Our studies have been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court and relied upon by government agencies and legislatures to shape policies and laws impacting LGBTQ people.

Please join us over a catered lunch to learn more about our legal and social science scholars and their work. We will also discuss opportunities for law students to get involved with the Williams Institute, including our externship and fellowship programs, our annual Moot Court competition, the Dukeminier Awards Journal, and more!

Please direct any questions to Will Tentindo (tentindo@law.ucla.edu).   

Please note this event is only open to current UCLA Law students. 
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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Class Year *
What pronouns would you like to appear on your name tag?
Do you have any food allergies or other dietary restrictions of which we should be aware? *
Do you have any accessibility requests or other concerns of which we should be aware? 
Please note that part of the event will be outside, at the PILP Courtyard at the law school.
Would you like to be added to the Williams Institute's newsletter mailing list?  This list is used to share information about our latest releases, upcoming events, open positions, and more; please note that events intended exclusively for students are generally not advertised through this list.
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