New client intake form
Prices for 1:1 consultation call:
~ Get high-quality, personalized travel advice and expert answers to any questions you may have.
  1. $30 for 20 min call
  2. $55 for 45 min call
  3. $80 for 60 min call
Custom Itinerary:
~ Get a day-by-day trip plan custom made for your preferences and needs.
  1. Standard plans start at $40 per day.
  2. Premium plans start at $75 per day.

Curated Guide Map recommendations:
~ Get a list of hand-picked spots based on your preferences and needs.
  1. Standard: $20 for 10 curated recs. With 5-day delivery.
  2. Premium: $35 for 20 curated recs. With 7-day delivery.
  3. Luxe: $75 for 40 curated recs. With 10-day delivery.
Pre-build guide maps and itineraries are available on my thatch account.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Travel start date   *
Travel end date  *
Are your dates flexible? *
What is your budget? 
Is this a special occasion? 
Lodging options 
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Where will you be traveling? *
Group Size and ages? *
If over 21 years old, do you drink alcohol or use cannabis?  *
When do you need this tour itinerary finished? *
Will you have your own transportation? 
How much planning do you need? 
Only 1 location every day and lots of down time
Multiple locations daily and no down time
Clear selection
How much driving are you okay with each day? 
Clear selection
Any medical or specific guidelines we need to know about? Handicap, allergies, etc. *
Anything else we need to know for your tour? 
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