最基礎木工課 (第十期)
「工欲善其事 必先利其器」

Back to Basic Woodworking

起手- 學到鉋木開榫方法,學習手工具為創作木藝品加入更多可能。
Stage 1 Learning: Basic skills including planing the wood, tenon and mortise joint. Learning hand tools to create wooden products.

落手 - 實踐起手的木工技巧,製作一張入榫實木小凳
Stage 2 Making: Put into practice of stage 1, making a tenon and mortise solid wood small furniture

After completing the "Back to Basic"  woodworking class, students can learn to make more different wooden furniture like box, wooden horse, bench, cabinets, etc.

日期 Date:

星期一 (Monday) 19:00 - 22:00 (暫滿,候補)
日期 Date: 5/12, 12/12, 19/12 , 2/1, 9/1, 16/1, 30/1, 6/2

星期四(Thursday) 19:00 - 22:00 (暫滿,候補)
日期 date:8/12, 15/12, 29/12 , 5/1, 12/1, 26/1, 2/2, 9/2

星期六(Saturday) 15:00 - 18:00:(暫滿,候補)
日期Date: 10/12, 17/12, 31/12, 7/1, 14/1, 28/1, 4/2, 11/2

每星期一堂,每堂3小時 A lesson a week, each lesson has 3 hours
Address:108 Lok Shan Road, To Kwa Wan, KLN
費用:$3800 (24小時) 共八堂連材料
Fee:Learning and Making $3800 (24 hours in total) 8 lessons including materials

報名後請發短訊到 coutouwoodworking@gmail.com 或 我們facebook專頁 謝謝!
草途木研社: https://www.facebook.com/coutou

After submit the form, please inbox to coutouwoodworking@gmail.com or our facebook fanpage , Thanks a lot!

*if any reasons that need rearrange the lesson, please contact us through email asap.

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