Advertising on the Truce Podcast
Thank you for supporting the Truce Podcast! We have some questions below that streamline the advertising process. Please answer any of these that apply. Here are some helpful reminders:

  • All of the ads on the Truce podcast will be 60 seconds long unless other arrangements have been made
  • If you are producing your own ad you assume all risk associated with clearing the music, sound effects, found sound, all vocal talent, copyrighted and trademarked words or phrases, etc.
  • Please do not mention any products or companies outside of your own unless you can provide written permission. (Example of what not to do: "Our cola brand tastes better than Coke.")
We respectfully reserve the right to deny sponsorships to organizations that may not be a good fit for our audience (i.e. direct sales companies, vitamin and supplement companies, health share organizations, predatory lending, political or lobbying organizations, gambling, etc.)
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If you would like our host to read the ad, please include your text here. Aim for 150 words for a 60-second ad. We recommend starting with something like "This episode is brought to you by...". Please remember to end with a call-to-action like "visit [ here] for more information".
Your goal with this ad
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Please enter the website link you'd like us to post in show notes (gold and platinum levels only)
When will this campaign begin? (We offer sponsorships by the month)
When will this campaign end?
Tracking links for ad (not required)
How did you learn about advertising with Truce?
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