Thank you for supporting the Truce Podcast! We have some questions below that streamline the advertising process. Please answer any of these that apply. Here are some helpful reminders:
- All of the ads on the Truce podcast will be 60 seconds long unless other arrangements have been made
- If you are producing your own ad you assume all risk associated with clearing the music, sound effects, found sound, all vocal talent, copyrighted and trademarked words or phrases, etc.
- Please do not mention any products or companies outside of your own unless you can provide written permission. (Example of what not to do: "Our cola brand tastes better than Coke.")
We respectfully reserve the right to deny sponsorships to organizations that may not be a good fit for our audience (i.e. direct sales companies, vitamin and supplement companies, health share organizations, predatory lending, political or lobbying organizations, gambling, etc.)