Do you support Musical Projects?
Dear readers, EMCY created this survey to understand your general feeling on supporting musical projects. We want to understand what is catchy, what is keeping your attention high
We hope you will take 30 seconds to answer the questions and if you want to read more about our organisation, visit our website or write us an e-mail to

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In which country do you live? *
Are you a musician? *
Age Range *
Are you interested in musical projects? *
Have you ever partecipated in a musical project? If YES, tell us your story
Would you financially support a Musical Project? *
If YES, what would you like to support *
How much would you donate for the organisation of an international musical project? *
Maximum 10€
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Maximum 10€
Between €10 and €20
Between €20 and €30
More than €30
If not financially, how would you like to support a musical project?
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This form was created inside of European Union of Music Competitions for Youth.

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