Hosted by Deep Roots Salon and Northern Sand & Gravel
Know an inspiring woman in Sault Ste. Marie?  Here's her chance for a day of recognition and pampering.  Whether she's a loving mom, a supportive wife, a hardworking professional, or a compassionate leader, nominate her for this special makeover experience. Submit this form to nominate!

Nominations Close:  Friday, Jan 10
Winner Announced:  Monday, Jan 13

Follow both Deep Roots Salon  and Northern Sand & Gravel on Facebook or Instagram to get updates on the giveaway. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Please provide your name and phone number.  If your nominee wins, we will contact you.  *
Who are you nominating?  Please provide their name and relation to you.  *
How does this remarkable woman make life better for those around them?  Please be detailed. *
What makes this woman inspiring to you? *
How does she work hard—whether at home, at work, or in the community? *
What would a makeover and new outfit mean to her? *
If you haven't already shared a story that you feel demonstrates why she deserves this giveaway, please do so here. 
If selected as the winner, do you consent to us sharing some of the nice things you have written?  *
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