3D Printed Masks User Feedback
We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve on our design to help you! Thank you.
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Please record the version and size printed on the inside of the mask (if this is not present on the mask, type NA) *
How well does the mask fit? *
Does not fit
Fits perfectly
Do you feel like you can breathe comfortably with the mask on? *
Please compare how well you can breathe with this mask versus an N95 or other commercially available mask: *
Does the mask feel comfortable to wear? *
If you answered no to the above question, is there a particular area of the mask that is most bothersome (e.g. around the nose, on the cheeks)
Would you feel comfortable sterilizing the mask and reusing it? *
Do you have any feedback on the filter material being used?
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