Bring an October 7th Survivor through the Faces of October Seventh Non-Profit

We are a small team of young Jewish professionals who, in these dark times, have refused to feel helpless. After October 7th, we decided we urgently needed to connect communities around the world, face-to-face, with survivors of the massacre.

If you're interested in...
-Combatting the lacking media coverage as well as the spreading misinformation and justification for the attack
-Empowering your community with resilience in the face of increasing antisemitism
-Supporting brave survivors themselves and sharing their heavy burden

Fill out this form and we will reach out to you to begin discussing logistics.

We look forward to working with you to creating a profoundly meaningful opportunity together.

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Brief Description of Your event and audience:
(Please include the expected Audience Size)
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I am aware that hosting a speaker includes a fee to cover their travel expenses *
Have you hosted similar events in the past?
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