2024-2025 CAPP Fund Application
This application is open for any '24-'25 senior at South Tahoe High School or Whittell High School (on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe).  Students must complete this application to receive reimbursement for a max of 2 college application fees (parents are not eligible to apply.)  

This year, you will receive all but $10 back of each application fee you submit.  We are doing this to compile all those $10 to give one CAPP Fund applicant a $1000 scholarship (the CAPPed Scholarship).  No application necessary, if you apply and receive CAPP Fund dollars, your name will be put in a lottery for a random drawing for this $1000 scholarship towards your college dreams!

Students: be sure to use your PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS (do NOT use @ltusd.org as we will be blocked from communicating with you).

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Student Name 

PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS (do NOT use your LTUSD or Douglas email address) *
Your Cell Phone Number *
Your Mailing Address (please include City, State and Zip Code) *
What high school do you attend? *
12th grade High School English (Language Arts) Teacher *
What College Application Fees would you like to be reimbursed for? Please list TWO Colleges at the most. *
What is the TOTAL cost of the applications you have listed above? *
Final Steps of the CAPP Fund Application
Your application will be reviewed within a week of submittal.  Once your application is approved, you will receive an email from cappfund20@gmail.com.  You will be required to submit a receipt of the applications you applied for and listed above.  Once you  have emailed your receipt(s) back to us, we will send a check to the mailing address above.  

 Applications will be accepted until Feb. 1, 2025.
Write your name in CAPS below to verify that all information above is true and correct.  Students must complete this application (not parents or guardians.)
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