Circus Fusion: Circus Medicine Education Application
Fuse your passion for circus with clinical knowledge for a career you love!

Join the movement to support circus artist health and be the first to know when enrollment opens for 2024.

This continuing education course includes well over 20 hours of lectures and additional time for plenty of questions and interactions to enhance your clinical practice and prepare you to work with these incredible artists. 

Get knowledge from the source. Dr. Emily Scherb, PT is the only provider of CE for clinicians interested in circus and has produced guides and educational content for her students since 2012. She has presented nationally and internationally on circus science topics including for the American Physical Therapy Association, Performing Arts Medical Association, International Association of Dance Medicine and Science, and more!! She also spearheaded the creation of comprehensive guides for the APTA around working with circus artists. 

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Name *
Email Address *
In what way do you work with circus bodies? (check all that apply) *
What is your current type of involvement with circus artists? (eg % of caseload, personal training, type of classes teaching, etc)
In the next 3-6 months, how would you like your involvement with circus artists to change?
Is there anything in particular you feel has been holding you back?
What about this program appeals to you most? How is it valuable to your practice and career journey?
If we are working together, how would you define success?
This program is filled with a diverse group of clinicians who all want to contribute to the conversation. What makes you unique?  What is your perspective? (eg Do you have a strong circus background? Are you a clinician who has never worked with circus artists? Are you a researcher? What is your healthcare background?)
This program is designed to help you gain confidence to work with circus artists and get them back to doing what they love. AND give you the tools to start or grow your circus medicine client base. Is that something that sounds like what you are looking for?
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If you live in the US and need them for your license, would having CEs available for parts of this course add value for you?
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If so, what state do you live in?
Thank you for filling out the application! Your application will be reviewed and I will get back to you with more details shortly.
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