Origami Intramural Permission Form
Origami enhances the ability to be aware of what is happening in the moment and focus. Spend the afternoon turning a piece of paper into a 3 dimensional sculpture. We will use origami to enhance our perspective, persistence, and patience.

Attire:  School attire

Supplies: all you need is a sheet of paper, but supplies will be provided for those that want materials

Meeting Dates: Tuesdays

Meeting Time:  3:15pm - 4:15pm

Meetings will be virtual.  Google Meet code will be provided prior to the first meeting.

**Permission slip will be accepted until November 6th, 2020
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Student Full Name *
Why would you like to be a part of this activity? *
Primary Contact *
Primary Contact Phone *
Primary Contact Email *
Secondary Contact *
Secondary Contact Phone *
Secondary Contact Email *
I prefer to receive *
Phone numbers listed above will be used during meeting time from 3:15pm-4:15pm, if needed.
My child has permission to participate in the Patapsco Intramural Program and I have explained the behavioral and attendance expectations to my child. *
Please list any health concerns in the space below:
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