Discounted tickets De la Bête 2019
Dear player,
this is the signup form that you need to fill out if you want to get the discounted tickets for De la Bete (
The cost of a discounted ticket is 90 Euros. There are 5 for a run and they are meant to enable people in difficult financial situations to attend the game. We won`t ask any details about your situation or make you explain your reasons why you are applying for the discounted ticket. The entire model is based on our hope that some players will choose to sponsor the game by paying more and that we will be subsequently able to balance out the discounted tickets. The type of your ticket has no influence on your game, casting or anything like that. If you are awarded a discounted ticket, you have a secure spot at the game, as long as you register within the first interval of signup.
The application process will run from the 1st of February 2019 to the 8th – at 17:00 we will close the form and draw five people from the lottery and inform them by e-mail. The chosen ones still need to go through the standard registration process!

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Processing personal data *
The following questionnaire will be asking you about your personal data. In order to be able to make the game in a manner we deem most appropriate, we will need to process this data (game preferences, contact details, other personal information). Do you agree that we may process your personal data for the purposes of the game, as specified in &5 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data. If you do not agree, but still want to attend the game, please do not fill out the questionnaire and contact us via email at
Your surname *
Your first name *
What country are you from? *
Is there something you'd like to tell us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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