Plato's Closet & OUAC Application
Application for Employment at Plato's Closet or Once Upon A Child West Springfield
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Email *
Please enter today's date *
Are you applying for Plato's and/or Once Upon A Child *
Personal Information
First and Last Name *
Phone # *
Present Address *
City, State, Zip *
If you are under 18, please state your age, otherwise, leave blank
How did you hear about us?
Do you have any friends or family who work for us?  If so, who? *
Are you authorized to work in the USA *
Other name(s) used while attending schools or places of employment
High School/GED: Please list school name and location (City, State) *
College: Please list school name and location (City, State) *
College: Area of Study: *
Date available to start: *
Hourly/Salary Expected: *
Schedule Desired: *
Are you able and willing to consistently work weekend shifts?
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Tell us when you're able to work. We are open Monday - Saturday 10AM to 8/9PM and Sunday 12 to 5PM.

Available All Day
Limited Availability will explain below
Not Available
If you selected Limited Availability for any days, please explain what times you CAN WORK below: *
Were you previously employed by us? *
If you are currently employed, why are you considering leaving? Write "N/A" if not currently employed. *
Were you ever involuntarily terminated from any company? If yes, please give name of company and reason for termination. *
Have you been previously employed? If yes, please fill in your past employment history below with your present or most recent employer first.
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Employment #1
Please List: Employer, Address, Phone number, Supervisor/Manager:
Please List: Dates of employment, Salary
Please List: Job Description, Position, reason for leaving:
Employment #2
Please List: Employer, Address, Phone number, Supervisor/Manager:
Please List: Dates of employment, Salary
Please List: Job Description, Position, reason for leaving:
I authorize you to verify my employment: *
Reference #1 (Please list Name, Occupation, Phone, Email Address): *
Reference #2 (Please list Name, Occupation, Phone, Email Address): *
Are you able and willing to stand on your feet for up to 8 hours?
Clear selection
What languages do you speak/write fluently: *
What transportation will you be using to get to work? Do you own your own vehicle? *
Why do you think you are the right candidate to work at our store? *
Why do you want to work at our store? *
Read, Sign and Date:
I hereby affirm that all information on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of facts in the application disqualifies me from further consideration - or if employed - is grounds for dismissal. I understand that employment is contingent upon satisfactory reference and I authorize the Employer to conduct background checks and to investigate past employment and education history, as well as references given on application.

If I am hired, I agree that my employment and compensation can be terminated or changed with or without cause, and with or without notice at any time, at the option of Plato's Closet, or myself.

I fully understand and agree to all statements above.
*Unsigned applications will not be considered for employment.
If you agree, please use this as your electronic signature. First write "I agree," then write your full name and date. *   Please do not contact the store with application status.  We will contact you directly if we would like to schedule an interview. *
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