CCD Dinner & Fundraising
A dinner will take place on Saturday September 7th at Maria van Jesse at 18:00. Here you can confirm your presence and secure a spot. The address is Jesseplaats 11, 2611 GZ Delft.
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What is your name?
Do you have any food restrictions or allergies? If so, please specify which.
If you are bringing other people, how many are you in total?
We kindly ask of all participants a contribution of 10€ per adult for the costs and for fundraising for the church. If you cannot afford this amount (for example, students) you can talk to us. And if you want to donate more, feel free to do it!

You can either pay via this Tikkie link or at the event. If you pay the Tikkie, please also include your name so that we can confirm it!
We also would appreciate any help you might want to offer. Please let us know if there is anything you are willing to do.
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