Design-Based Learning UCLA Center X Partnership Inquiry Form
Are you a TK-12 school, district, or organization looking for dynamic, hands-on professional development for your staff? Please complete this information form and one of our team members will contact you to set up an introduction meeting. If you have additional questions, please contact 
Interim Director:  David Cameron 
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Name *
Preferred email address  *
Phone Number  *
Your Role or Title *
School/District/Organization *
Choose Desired Grade Level Support: *
Types of Support:
Have you partnered with Design-Based Learning before? If so, when and in what capacity?
Describe the days/times/structure that would be successful for your school and/or district.
If you have dates that you are considering for training, please list them below. (not required) 
Please describe any additional details you'd like Design-Based Learning at Center X to know.
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