SRYHA Fair/Car Show Interest Survey
This is not the official sign-up form for hours, but rather a survey of who is interested in working during the fair. 

If you are interested in working during the Benton County Fair (July 30th through August 4, 2024) or the Annual Car Show (August 18) to complete some of your required hours for Sauk Rapids Youth Hockey, please fill out the following form indicating your interest by July 7, 2024. Please fill out separate survey for each adult that is wanting to work.  Completion of this form does not guarantee hours will be granted.  Hours of booth operations are to be determined by the Benton County Fair Board.  

Additional information on an official registration of hour will be provided at a later date.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Contact Number *
Email Address *
Year of Skater(s) *
Please select all that apply to your household.
Roll(s) you are willing to do: *
Please choose all options you are willing to do.
Days you are willing to work during the fair: *
Please choose all options you are willing to do.
Car Show Shift you are willing to work: *
Please choose all options you are willing to do.
Have you worked fair hours before? *
Have you worked car show hours before? *
Have you worked concession stand hours before? *
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