SilverTree Seniors is excited to bring back our 5th Annual "Adopt A Senior" program for the 2023 holiday season! Last year, with your help, we adopted over 300 Seniors, and we even had a wait list of adopters! We are starting earlier this year, and we need to know how many Seniors we can get adopted, before we request their wish lists.
We are looking for Elves In Charge (EIC) to help us reach even more Seniors! Our Elves in Charge are coordinators managing the fulfillment of 10 or more Seniors' wish lists through your work, church, school, club/organization, neighborhood, or friends and family.
Please complete this short survey to let us know how you'd like to help!
We will be in touch by November 15th with your Senior(s) and their wish lists. Thank you so much for showing Seniors they are not forgotten!
Questions or ideas you'd like to share? Send us an email, or call/text Julie at 757-389-8864.