Bristol Women in Business Charter - Progress Report
Thank  you  for  being  a  signatory  of  the  Charter  for  the last year.  As  the  aim  of  the  Charter  is  to  recognise and  support  progress,  we  require  you  to  provide  us  with  some  details  on  the  progress  your  business  has made  throughout  the  year  in  relation  to  the  goals  that  you  selected  on  your  application.  This  form  will  help us  to  capture  that  information.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name *
Name of your business *
How has being  a Charter  signatory  helped  you  and  your  business  over  the  past  year?
How many people (full  time  equivalent)  does  your  business  currently  employ  in  Bristol  and  the surrounding  area? *
What  is  the  current  gender  composition  of  your  workforce? *
We  recognise  that  this  will  be  just  a  snapshot,  but  it  will  give  us  an  idea  of  the  current  gender  balance  in  your  business
Reporting your progress
For  each  of  the  goals  you  selected  to  focus  on  during  the  last  year  (see  our  covering  email), please  describe  the  progress  you  have  made.  Where  possible,  include  data  that  shows  the impact  of  the  changes  you  have  made. *
What  challenges  have  you  faced  when  trying  to  make  progress? *
Are  there  any  other  areas  of  business,  other  than  those  covered  in  the  goals  of  the  Charter you  selected,  in  which  your  company  has  made  progress  towards  gender  equality?  If  so, please  provide  details  here.
Making  progress  in  the  year  to  come
Which  goal(s)  of  the  Charter  do  you  plan  to  focus  on  in  the  next  12  month  period? *
Choose  as  many  goals  as  you  wish  to  focus  on
Why are the  goals  you  have  selected  important  to  your  business ? *
For  each  of  the  goals  you  have  selected,  provide  details  of  the  progress  you  are  planning  to make over  the  next  12  months.  Please  include  the  results  you  intend  to  achieve.  You  will  be required  to  report  your  progress  against  these  target  results  at  the  end  of  that  period. *
How can we help?
The  community  of  Charter  signatories  is  a  supportive  one.  Let  us  know  how  we  can  help.
What  could  we (the  Charter  team  and  community)  do  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  make  more progress  in  the  coming  year? *
Your  feedback  is  very  important  in  improving  your  experience  of  being  a  signatory  of  the Charter,  is  there  anything  you  would  like  us  to  know? *
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