Heavy Ion Therapy Clinical School
As a participant of the  Heavy Ion Therapy Clinical School, your opinion is important for us. Please fill the question form and let us know your point of view and help us improve.
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Introductory question: before you start, please let us know your position.
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1. How did you first hear about the Heavy Ion Therapy Clinical School?
Other sources, please give details
2. In general terms, from 1 to 5, how interesting  and/or useful did you find the school?
3. If your answer was below 3, can you briefly explain why? (i.e.  lectures to improve)
4. What do you think was the best aspect of the Heavy Ion Therapy Clinical School?
5. What would you change or improve about the Heavy Ion Therapy Clinical School? (structure, length, organization, speakers)
6. This school was very helpful to improve my knowledge in Heavy Ion Therapy
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7. Would you come to another Heavy Ion Therapy Clinical School?
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8. Any additional remarks or suggestions that you would like to convey to improve similar schools and courses in the future.
9. Any additional remarks that you would like to tell us?
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