CEO 2024 Community Event Application
Hello potential CEO Community tournament organizer! Please fill out the form below to the best of your ability. Upon acceptance, a representative of CEO Gaming Inc. will reach out to you with information on how to set up your side tournament through our dedicated Page. We have monitors,  power, tables and chairs, all ready for you to go, but please plan to provide your setups completely.
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Full Name * user name *
Discord username? (ex. tongneversleeps)
Email address *
Please list your twitter handle for announcements and directing players. *
What game would you like to host a side event for? (Title and platform) *
How much space for setups would you need for your event? (TOs for side events are expected to provide their own setups; monitors will be provided) *
Briefly describe any previous experience with CEO Gaming Inc. or running FGC events. *
What days are you willing to have your side event on? *
Are there any other managing partners to assist with your tournament? If so, please list them here. *
How much would you like to charge per player? (100% of the money collected for this will go to the prize pool to pay the players) *
Please list any comments or questions you may have in relation to the event.
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