English Language Support Program Family Survey 2021-22
Please complete this survey to help us improve services to your family. If you have children in more than one school you may either fill out one survey per child or one for your entire family. Thank you.
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We have monthly ELAC meetings, please select preferred time frame. *
What day of the week would be best for our ELAC/DLAC meetings? *
Is your child currently receiving English Language Supports? *
In what grade level do you have a child in EL Services (select all that apply *
I know what language development services my child is receiving *
I understand how the English language support is helping my child. *
My child is learning the skills and knowledge necessary for success. *
School staff provide extra help when my child needs it. *
I understand the importance of helping my child learn our native language. *
School staff value my family’s culture. *
My child’s school makes it easy for me to participate in my child’s education. *
School staff use my ideas to improve the school’s language development program. *
School staff use the personal and academic information that I provide to help my child. *
Teachers communicate with me about my child’s progress in language development and academic subjects. *
Overall, how satisfied have you been with your child's progress learning English at school? *
What other comments or recommendations would you like to share? Please feel free to answer in the language you feel most comfortable using. *
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