Safe Place
Hello! My name is Nicole Reis and I am currently studying Graphic Design at Prague City University.
For my Final Major Project, I aim to do an editorial piece focused on interviews with people, speaking about their safe places — the memories, tastes, smells, songs they go to, to travel back in time, and how that helps them positively.

It would be very helpful if you could answer to these next questions, and if you're interested to tell me more about this topic, please contact me by e-mail
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How old are you? *
What is your gender? *
Where are you from? *
Do you have any rituals when you are feeling down that help you feel better? *
If yes, can you give an example?
Where do you feel the safest? *
Is there a physical place you visit when you're feeling down? *
When you're feeling down, do you usually think of your past positive memories? *
If yes, do they have a positive effect on you? *
Can you think of a flavor that makes you travel back in time? *
Can you think of a scent that makes you travel back in time? *
Can you think of a song that makes you travel back in time? *
Do you keep any item of clothing that you no longer use because of its symbolic value? *
Do you keep an object that you no longer make use of because of its symbolic value? *
If you had to go to a deserted island and could only take three objects, what would they be, and why? *
Thank you for your hep!
If you are available to talk personally about your experiences, send an email to
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