JTK Hanami - Interest Check Form
Thank you for filling this out! It helps greatly in getting the set to groupbuy :)
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Remember that both the Hanami and Umemi colorways are running at the same time and can be combined! For example, maybe you want the Hanami Base Kit, but opt for the Umemi novelties for the gold accents. Its up to you.
To see higher resolution images, visit the Geekhack thread here: jtkhanami.vala.supply
Hanami Base Kit
Umemi Base Kit
Hanami Novelties
Umemi Novelties
JTK Hanami Matcha Kit
JTK Hanami English Only Alphas
JTK Hanami Umemi English Only Alphas
Hanami Senshi & Umemi Senshi Kits
Which kits would you be interested in buying when JTK Hanami reaches group buy? *
(Optional) Please suggest any changes to any kits that you can think of. This includes keys to add, remove, or move to a different kit, novelty ideas, suggestions, etc. Have any good collab ideas? Also, if you have a preferred vendor, suggest it here!
If you'd like to get more updates about this set and others, join the Vala Supply Discord server: http://discord.vala.supply
Contact me
Vala on Geekhack
/u/valasupply or /u/Valamoraus on Reddit
Vala#9001 on Discord
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