Wiki-Pi v. 2 End-user Survey
Thank you so much for taking the time to participate in our study! We would like to know what your experience was using our website, and how you would like to see it improved. This survey will help us better understand our user's needs, goals, and desires so that we can design an optimized website for you. Your responses are important to us and they will be kept confidential, strictly being used for research purposes. By completing this survey you will be greatly contributing to our research at the University of Pittsburgh Department of Biomedical Informatics MKG lab.
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What is your position in your research lab?
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What do you use Wiki-Pi for?
What would you like to use Wiki-Pi for?
What would you like to see on the Wiki-Pi website?
What problems did you encounter using Wiki-Pi?
How often do you see yourself using Wiki-Pi?
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How is the usability of the website?
Are the interactions effective and efficient, with minimal error?
not usable
very usable
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Please elaborate
How is the functionality of the website?
Are you able to do everything you need to do with the current resources on the website?
not functional
very functional
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Please elaborate
How is the aesthetic quality of the website?
looks terrible
looks great
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Please elaborate
How clear is the content on the website?
not clear
very clear
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Please elaborate
What is your overall satisfaction with the website?
very unsatisfied
very satisfied
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Please elaborate
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