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Scaling Your Business Podcast VIP Guest Application
Thank you for your interest in being our potential VIP guest.
As a guest, you will be featured in Major Media as well as:
Featured in media such as yahoo!, Fox, CBS and more...
100+ media outlets
5 year history on the podcast network
Over 4000+ episodes
Over 100+ shows launched
Receive posts on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
We received
inquiries. We only accepted 4 VIP guests each month. There is an appearance fee to be on our show. (If you are not interested in being our VIP guest but want to learn how to start and/or scale a successful 7-figure business, skip question #1 and answer the rest of our questions.)
We look forward to learning more about you!
* Indicates required question
Your answer
1. If you are chosen as one of our exclusive VIP guests, there is a $99 appearance fee. (Imagine being able to say you were a featured guest along top, notable business professionals.)
Yes, I understand.
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2. What is your full name?
Your answer
3. What is your phone number?
Your answer
4. Write your 30-word professional bio as you want it to appear on our podcast. (Please do not share more.)
Your answer
5. Proposed podcast title (*MUST be less than 5 words otherwise your application will not be considered.)
Your answer
6. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile and website (if you have one.)
Your answer
7. This podcast is hosted by the David Andras where he helps his clients start and/or scale their businesses to 7 figures. Want to set up a follow up call to learn more? (
Yes, I am very interested and am ready to make an investment in my future.
Yes, I am very interested but currently do not have the resources to make an investment.
Not interested.
8. Our VIP selection team reviews each application. If you are accepted, we will notify you within 5 business days. (Please do not contact us if you do not hear from us. Rest assured, our team will review your application.)
Yes, I understand.
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