RepStars SMA Marketing Pro Mentor ~ Leader Request Form
Please enter all of the fields below to request a Leader Account at RepStars where you can market your own brand and business on our global marketing platform.

Read more on the qualification requirements and Leader Agreement here:
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Become a Pro Mentor and Market your own Business!
Your Name: *
Email Address: *
Business Name: *
Business Street Address: *
Business Telephone: *
Business Domain: *
Your Business Website URL (where You signup new Reps): *
Role in the Business: *
LinkedIn or Business Profile URL as Role Verification: *
Marketing Countries: *
Language Preferences: *
Active Global Business Organization Size: *
Active Number of Downline Representatives: *
Your ability to supply or coordinate access to Logos, Marketing pages, Videos, Taglines, Banners and Testimonials (Customer acquisition focused): *
Your consent or ability to approve "Copyrights" for use of any or all supplied Marketing Content: *
Your ability to supply or create Email Campaign Series (e.g. Company Orientation, Business Opportunities and Keys to Success): *
Your Requested Start Date (requires about one week after approval, scheduling and receipt of marketing content): *
Questions or Comments:
Administrator Contact Information:
Your Full Name - representing Your Signature on the Leader Agreement *
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