vocab.study waiting list
We're building an advanced spaced-repetition system for historical language vocabulary learning.

Sign up for our waiting list and optionally share more information on what you're interested in and how you might want to get involved before launch.
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Which historical languages are you interested in?
As a Student
As a Teacher
Biblical Greek
Classical Greek
Old Irish
Old English
Old Norse
Biblical Hebrew
Are there other historical languages you'd like us to consider?
What existing spaced-repetition or vocabulary learning app(s) or website(s), if any, do you currently use (either yourself or with your students)?
Which best describes when and how you'd like to be involved?
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If you are involved in the planning and administration of historical language teaching at an educational institution, would you be interested in working with us to integrate vocab.study into your classes? Tell us more.
If you are an author or publisher of historical language learning material, would you be interested in working with us to integrate your content into vocab.study? Tell us more.
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