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Which section of Systems are you in?
What is the difference between stack and heap memory?
1 point
Stack memory is short lived, fixed region of memory. Heap memory is a long-lived, and variable size of memory which allows us to allocate nearly infinite bytes while the program is running.
Heap memory is short lived, fixed region of memory. Stack memory is a long-lived, and variable size of memory which allows us to allocate nearly infinite bytes while the program is running.
From a programmers perspective, why do we like virtual memory?
1 point
It simplifies memory management. We can treat memory as a 'linear array' and not have to think about where memory comes from.
We actually do not like memory management, it complicates things too much for us programmers.
What is 'the program stack'
1 point
The program stack is an organization of the code, data, stack, and heap memory for a running process.
Why do we have to add a null terminating character to our C character arrays (i.e. C strings)?
1 point
We actually do not have to.
We add the null terminating character to c character arrays (when representing a c-string), so that a function knows when to terminate the string.
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