DNC: Ancillary Sustainable Event Survey 
Thank you for your commitment to sustainable event planning for this historic and momentous event in U.S. history! 

We appreciate your collaboration and dedication to minimizing the environmental impact of your event. By sharing your insights and the measures you've implemented, you help us understand, share and improve the sustainability of our collective efforts.

Information shared will be anonymized. If you have additional data, stories, photos or other reflections of positive outcomes to share, please email marley@eventsofpurpose.com.

Thank you for the important work you do! 

Bright Beat x Purpose, DNC Sustainability Advisors 
Stephanie Katsaros + Marley Finnegan
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Email *
Name of Your Organization:  *
Event Name:  *
Event Date:  *
Venue Name: 
Venue Address:
Guest Count:  *
Did the venue use or purchase renewable energy? *
Did you purchase RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) to offset your event's energy footprint? 

How many RECs did you purchase?  *
Did you choose a plant-based menu for your event?  *
If not fully plant-based, what percentage of your menu was plant-based?  *
Did you use certified compostable serve ware for all food and beverages? *
Did you arrange for the donation of surplus food?  *
How much food did you donate, and to what organization(s)?
Did you implement food scrap collection for composting at your event?  *
How much did you compost, and through what service provider?
Did you purchase Water Restoration Certificates to offset your event's water usage? (https://www.b-e-f.org/programs/water-restoration-certificates/) *
How many Water Restoration Certificates did you purchase?  *
THANK YOU for your participation and thoughtful planning around the 2024 DNC, and for integrating sustainability into your event strategy!
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