Skydivers Under Phorty (SUP!) Big Ways
Dates: October 26-29 2023. This is a Thursday - Sunday event. (Thursday is optional although recommended)

Thursday: Warm-up Optional Day with Doug, Andrew, and Gorka organizing one plane shots with talented individuals and challenging formations 
Friday (Official Day 1): One plane shots with one of the coaches in a fun yet challenging format from regular altitude (13.5)
Saturday (Day 2): Full group (60-way) jumps in formation loads from high altitude (18K) - Halloween Party at the end of the DAY!!!
Sunday (Day 3):  Full group (60-way)  jumps in formation loads from high altitude (18K)

Location: Skydive Paraclete XP

We are attempting a never before event of big ways with skydivers under 40! Who said that big ways are for old people????

We are loaded up on the fun and talent! Doug Barron from SDC Rhythm XP and Gorka Amian from SMDW NEXT XP are the chief organizers.  They will be assisted by Andrew Happick from GKXP8. Everyone is packing a positive attitude and heap of excitement to make this a fun, memorable, and safe event.

The media team will be brought to you again by Elliot Byrd of Byrd's Eye Studio and his hand-selected staff. He is the only old man of the crew but is actually under forty as well. They will be sure to document and share all of the amazing from this great experience in the sky and on the ground! Video and stills will be provided for each jump!

$300 for registration plus jumps cost*. The plan will be to make 15 jumps over 3 days. Includes stills, videos, banquet, T-shirt, and patch.
* The jump price will be sent out approximately 60 days before the event.

Applicants should have experience with successful multiple plane formations. Ideally, you will have attended other All-American, P3, or big-way skill-building camps recently. Everyone must apply and you will receive a response from one of the Captains.

Start Time is 8:00am on October 26. Registration will be open early on the 26th to check in gear but participants are encouraged to check-in the days before the event. Day to day start times will be set during the event.

Release Time is 5:00pm on October 29. Please arrange travel accordingly. If you leave early you will still be responsible for your slot.
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First Name *
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Nick Name *
Who do you like most? *
Do you like pineapple and pepperoni pizza
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Date of Birth *
How many jumps have you accumulated?
What is your largest successfully completed formation?
What is the largest successfully completed sequential formation?
What is the largest successfully completed total break formation?
Briefly describe your 4 and/or 8 way experience in the last two years
Please list at least two references or big way camps you have attended in the past two years.
Most comfortable exit position
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Anything else you would like us to know. 
Do you need a packer?
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Will you be attending the optional day, Thursday the 26th?
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T-shirt size
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