XCurrency Slack Chat Registration Form
XCurrency is on Slack!

To request an invitation, use this page: https://xcurrency-slack.herokuapp.com/

If you would like to verify that you own at least 1000 XC and join the private verified holders channel, please follow the instructions below. THIS IS OPTIONAL. OWNERSHIP OF XC IS NOT REQUIRED TO JOIN XC ON SLACK.

If you have any problems with registration, please contact xcslack@gmail.com.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How to verify your ownership of 1000XC (OPTIONAL):
1) Go to File-->Sign Message
2) In the top field put your XC address that contains at least 1000XC. (ex. XRERuQfbN8WvKB7EyaJHawH1ivXLCwYBHA)
3) In the second (middle) field, place your email address that you are using for this form. (ex. bob@bob.com)
4) Click 'Sign Message' at the bottom of the window - a long string of characters will appear in the bottom field (your signature)
(ex. IG7pXrzM6ka5u0OzgV5/dTxOZRjokH5yu0VQSLTa5DXxb+pxvtOxfSRiMumNuWbDZkO/y1gFZbfZ3dEyqhEyMn0=)
5) Copy and paste your XC address, email address, and signature EXACTLY as they appear in the 'Sign Message' window into the proper fields on this form
6) Submit form
7) You will receive an invitation and access to the private channel if approved within 24 hours, but most likely much sooner

***If preferred, you may also provide this information via PM once inside Slack. In this case only provide your email address on this form and then PM infinitechaos once inside Slack. You may also provide this information to infinitechaos via XChat:
Public Key: 28EWoPmHj5PDfaJbU9mYebrL8KqRkF8uiHezxShyCvh9U
Your XC address that contains at least 1000XC:
Your email address: *
If verifying ownership of 1000XC, please provide the email address you used when signing a message EXACTLY as it appears in the 'Sign Message' window.
Your username you plan to use on Slack:
The signature generated at the 'Sign Message' screen:
This should be a long string of characters ending with an =
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