Become a Wildlife Ambassador today!
Fill out this survey to confirm your interest in volunteering with the Wildlife Ambassador Project! More details below:
  • Volunteers will conduct public outreach at least two weekend days this summer near the Middle Fork Trailhead.
  • Volunteers will also hike to the Middle Fork Campground to connect campers to information they need to camp safely in bear habitat.
  • Your volunteer time commitment will be from 8:00am to 2:00pm on a Saturday or Sunday.
  • Outreach topics will include wildlife information, bear safety, wildlife-wise recreation practices, respecting ancestral land, and more!
  • A Conservation NW staff member will be on-site to oversee and help with outreach.
  • Volunteers are required to provide their own transportation to and from the Middle Fork Trailhead.
  • Volunteers are required to be 16 years or older.
  • Volunteers are educators, not enforcement!
  • Volunteers must complete a self-paced online volunteer training before their first shift! (training will be sent after sign-up)
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Are you interested in volunteering with the Wildlife Ambassador Project by helping educate the public on how to recreate respectfully and responsibly?
What is your name?
Please share your preferred email address
When are you available to help with in-person outreach at the Middle Fork Trailhead and Middle Fork Campground?
Saturday (8am to 2pm)
Sunday (8am to 2pm)
July 1st - 2nd
July 8th - 9th
July 15th - 16th
July 22nd - 23rd
July 29th - 30th
August 5th - 6th
August 12th - 13th
August 19th - 20th
August 26th - 27th
September 2nd - 3rd
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