Girls' Ultimate Movement Clinic and League Application
USA Ultimate’s Girls' Ultimate Movement (GUM) programs works with local disc organizations to introduce and teach the sport of ultimate to girls. Clinics work best when they connect with an existing youth ultimate opportunity, like a youth league or middle school league.

To encourage new kids to try out this fun sport, we offer a free one day membership to USA Ultimate for our GUM clinics. USA Ultimate will provide you with a clinic plan, flyer, marketing ideas, registration through our website and free insurance and liability coverage for your event through the completion and submission of the USA Ultimate waiver at the conclusion of your event.
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Email *
Name *
USA Ultimate ID
Phone *
Local Disc Organization
Shipping address for clinic materials, if available. *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
What are you applying to run? *
How would you like registration handled? *
Do you agree to abide by the USA Ultimate Clinic and League Organizer Responsibilities which can be found here? *
I hereby covenant that I will immediately cancel or postpone this event, and shall immediately notify USAU, upon becoming aware of any order or other reason in which the Sanctioned Event may not legally be held. *
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