Member Experience Advisory Council (MEAC) Application
We are working to make Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) better for our members. Your participation, experience and input help us serve you better. If you are a current member or family member/caregiver of a member who brings personal member experiences, we need you!

We are looking for members who are not already a part of another feedback group through Health First Colorado, or a government or advocacy organization. Members can learn about Health First Colorado and CHP+ benefits, make connections with others and learn about other ways to get involved. You can make a difference in the lives of all Health First Colorado and CHP+ members!

Please let us know you're interested in joining by completing the form below. Not all applicants will receive a follow up response. We receive many applications and are working to fill any vacancies by first asking whose perspective is missing and we prioritize members who would fill that vacancy. Thank you!

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