Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Survey
This survey supports the efforts of Better Ballot Indiana to gather interest or feedback regarding ranked choice voting. Thank you for responding to these few questions. This survey isn't required. We invite your feedback by any means, to a BBI representative or by email to info@betterballotin.org. If you want to resubmit or make a change, just send an additional response. Results will not be aggregated as a "poll;" rather, BBI is gathering interest in RCV and identifying any concerns respondents may have.
Who are you answering as *
Please enter your name and your title and organization. In general, we are presenting the survey to officials rather than individuals, but you may, for example, submit twice, for your organization or official, and for yourself individually. We will verify responses to ensure organizations are not misrepresented.
Contact Info *
Please enter email and/or phone for your best contact info. (Any format is ok)
How familiar are you with Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)? *
Not familiar at all
Very familiar
Do you want RCV to be an option for Indiana voters? *
Not at all
Very much so
Are you doing anything to promote or enact RCV? *
1 implies opposition, 2 mild opposition, 3 no action but supportive, 4 actively promoting RCV, 5 actively using RCV
I am actively opposing RCV
I am actively using RCV
Additional comments
Please enter any brief comments regarding your awareness, interest, and activities regarding Ranked Choice Voting.
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