DIFFERENT directions Inc.    Presents  You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown  
Join Charlie Brown, Lucy, Sally and the Peanuts Kids as they celebrate friendship, baseball and flying a kite.

Wed. Sept. 21st 7pm, Thurs. Sept. 22nd 7pm, Sat. Sept. 24th 7pm

Location: Actor's Temple Theatre (339 W. 47th St. bet 8th & 9th Ave.)

Tickets price:

$15 Adult      

$10 Youth (6 to 18)        

$5 Children (5 and under)

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Wednesday Sept. 21st - 7pm
Wednesday Sept. 21st - 7pm
(Please note how many of each type of ticket you will need and the total amount of money for Wednesday tickets. Ex: Adult 2, Youth 2, Child 3 total: $60)
Thursday Sept. 22nd - 7pm
Thursday Sept. 22nd - 7pm
(Please note how many of each type of ticket you will need and the total amount of money for Thursday tickets. Ex: Adult 2, Youth 2, Child 3 total: $60)
Saturday Sept. 24th - 7pm
Saturday Sept. 24th - 7pm
(Please note how many of each type of ticket you will need and the total amount of money for Wednesday tickets. Ex: Adult 2, Youth 2, Child 3 total: $60)
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