Become a Wily Scholar
Are you attending a four-year residential college in Greater Boston?

Are you navigating college on your own without a safety net?

For example: Have you experienced homelessness or foster care? Are your parents deceased? Do you have parents who are challenged by addiction, incarceration, or mental health issues? Have you been denied family support due to your sexual orientation or gender identity? Are you your own support system for another reason not listed here?

We're glad that you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Wily Scholar.

This form is confidential, and your answers will only be seen by Wily's Executive Director.

After you fill out this form, we will reach out to you to set up a meeting. We will have a conversation to see if Wily's program feels like a match for you. You won’t need to share any specific details about your situation unless you choose to. We don't always have room to increase the number of Wily Scholars that we work with, but we will let you know right away if we have space.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
What are your preferred pronouns?
Email *
Phone Number *
What college do you go to? *
What year are you in at college? *
How did you hear about us? *
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