The Impact of the recent protest on the Mental Health of  Nigerian citizens and the way forward. 

Dear Participant,

Thank you for taking your time to participate in this survey. The recent events in Nigeria have highlighted the importance of understanding the intersection between citizens' mental health and socio-political activism. Secure D Future International Initiative (SDF), a mental health & non-profit organization through this survey aims to explore how mental health influenced participation in the concluded protests and how it impacts the overall well-being of individuals involved.

Objectives of the Survey:

  • To assess the mental health status of those involved in or affected by the protests.

  • To understand the relationship between mental health and protest participation, attitudes, and behaviors.

  • To identify the key mental health challenges faced by protesters.

  • To gather suggestions on how mental health support can be integrated into protest strategies and governmental responses.

Your responses will provide valuable insights that can help in developing strategies to better support the mental health of protesters and inform policy changes. The survey is anonymous, and all information provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.


  • Please answer each question honestly based on your experiences and perceptions.

  • If a question does not apply to you, feel free to skip it.

  • The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Your participation is greatly appreciated and will contribute to fostering a more holistic approach to addressing both immediate and systemic issues related to mental health and activism in Nigeria.

Thank you once again for your valuable input.


Secure D Future International Initiative

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