FCDC Internship Application
Each semester, the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) sponsors an internship program for High School and College students.  They help us get organized by contacting voters, improving our contact data, helping with mailers, making campaign buttons, working at events like rallies, parades, fairs, and festivals.  The interns meet elected officials, go on field trips to the US Capitol and pick up good job experience that can pay off when they get out of school.  Interns must be prepared to work in a fast-paced dynamic environment and will experience the inner workings of campaigns. Assistance obtaining academic credit for eligible students will be provided.

Please complete an online application OR send a resume and cover letter to internships@fairfaxdemocrats.org 

Contact: Executive Director
(703) 573-6811
8500 Executive Park Ave, Suite 402
Fairfax, VA 22031
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First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
Number and street (home).
City *
Email *
Phone *
Phone: Home or Cell *
Best way to contact you: phone, email, text. *
If text, make sure the phone number you listed is a cell number.
I am currently enrolled in:
Clear selection
Name of School *
College Major
If not yet chosen, leave blank
Will you receive credit for this internship? *
Full name of intern coordinator / guidance counselor.
Coordinator / counselor phone.
Date available to start internship. *
End date for internship.
Days and times of the week available for internship.
Please list below your computer skills / programs that you are comfortable using: *
List the names of any campus/high school organizations to which you belong, your roles in any major non-academic civic, social, or political activities, or any other relevant experience.
Short answer question.
Explain why you want to be an intern for the Fairfax County Democratic Committee.  What do you consider to be your major strengths and qualifications for the program?   *
Short answer question.
If applicable, list any jobs or professional experience. Please describe your roles and duties.
Please list two (2) references and include name, title and phone number and your affiliation with that person. *
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