First Time Client Form / Quote Request --

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1. You Full Name *
1.1 Your Date of Birth 
2. Spouse’s Name (If Married)
2.1 Spouse's Date of Birth 
3.1 How many dependents do you have?
3.2 All Dependent’s Names and Date of Birth
4 Home Address (Street, City, State, Zip code) *
5 Phone / Mobile Phone *
6 Emails (For you and Spouse) *
8 Citizenship / Visa Status
9 Occupation (you and your spouse)
10 Gross Annual Household Income (Approx.) $
11 Own a Primary Residence or Rent a house?
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11.1  Value of Primary Residence or Monthly Rent
12.  Total Value of Non-retirement and Retirement Savings Accounts.  Approx.
13 Do you have or trade stocks or any investment securities? *
13.1 If yes above, then how many investment (Non-Retirement) brokerage accounts do you have? *
# of Accounts
14 Do you own any real estate property (other than your primary residence)? *
14.1  If you own a rental property above, Please provide Number (How many) , each Value ($), and Location (City, State) of Rental Properties
15. Do you have any US Passive Investments (K-1) or Retirement Distributions? *
15.1 If Yes above, How many K-1s and Form 1099-R from Passive Investments or retirement funds?
16 Do you have any Foreign bank accounts or Foreign Passive investments? *
16.1 If Yes Above, Total Number (How many accounts) and Total Value ($) of Foreign Bank Accounts or Foreign Investments
17. Do you or your spouse run a business or self-employed? *
18 Do you have any specific (special) situations? or, Please explain and add your comments
18.1 If you have any specific special situations, then Please explain and add your comments
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