HUFT Wag Away Mini in association with Radisson Blu Bangalore

Venue - Radisson Blu, Marathahalli

Address - Radisson Blu Bengaluru | Outer Ring Road, 90-4 Marathahalli, Outer Ring Road | Bengaluru

Date - 23th April 2023

Time - 12pm - 3pm

Entry Fee -
Regular -
Rs. 2000 (AI) per Human [Cost includes only entry, brunch for 1]
With Alcohol - Rs. 3000 (AI) per Human [Cost includes only entry, brunch for 1 and free pour of IMFL]

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Email *
Prepay for a confirmed Slot 

Regular - Rs. 2000 (AI) per Human [Cost includes only entry, brunch for 1]

With Alcohol - Rs. 3000 (AI) per Human [Cost includes only entry, brunch for 1 and free pour of IMFL]

(UPI ID - Charishma Hotels Pvt. Ltd.)

NOTE: Payment can be made for multiple people in one go, but please mention the number - E.g. Rahul Jain x 3
Name *
Mobile Number *
Pet Name  *
Pet Breed  *
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