Open Letter: Stop Genocide or Resign
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Canadian civil society organizations urge Ministers Joly, Hussen, and Miller, either to take steps to avert genocide in Gaza or to resign

February 2024

The undersigned Canadian civil society organizations are calling for the resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen, and Immigration Minister Marc Miller, unless they take immediate and meaningful action in response to the risk of genocide in Gaza.

In November, 36 UN experts warned that Israel’s actions in Gaza point to a “genocide in the making.”  In January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that there is a plausible case of genocide in Gaza and ordered Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of genocidal acts.  The Canadian government and these three ministers have not only ignored these warnings, but their actions have exacerbated the crisis.

Ministers Joly, Hussen, and Miller have each mismanaged their ministerial portfolio in response to the risk of genocide, failing to address the urgency of the moment and even causing further harm. Each minister has announced decisions which reflect little regard for Palestinian life or international law, and have shown very little situational awareness concerning the impact of their decisions. By 1) transferring weapons into a genocidal context, and 2) knowingly withdrawing support for Gaza’s humanitarian infrastructure, the actions of Ministers Joly and Hussen directly violate the ICJ’s orders to prevent genocide. Meanwhile, Minister Miller has put up unnecessary barriers that complicate the ability of the loved ones of Canadians to flee a context of genocidal violence.

As signatories, we cannot accept this to be Canada’s legacy amid the genocide unfolding before our eyes. If these Ministers are not able to step up in this moment of extreme crisis and redress these errors, they should step aside.

We demand that these Ministers take the following actions or else resign from their roles:

1.    We demand that Minister Joly declare unequivocal support for the ICJ’s recommended emergency measures, demand that Israel comply with the court’s rulings to prevent genocide in Gaza, and take steps to ensure that Canadian policy is not contributing to genocidal acts. The first step must be the imposition of an embargo on Canada-Israel military trade: arming the perpetrator of a genocide, while providing humanitarian aid to the victims is the epitome of cynical geopolitics.

2.    We demand that Minister Hussen immediately and unconditionally restore humanitarian aid to UNRWA. Given the acute genocidal crisis, we also insist that Hussen double Canada’s existing funding commitments to UNRWA for the next three years.

3.    We demand that Minister Miller remove the arbitrary, discriminatory and ultimately racist barriers on family reunification visas for Gaza, and fast track the process to bring loved ones out of harm’s way. 

More information

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly - Minister Joly’s failure to respond to the ICJ’s initial ruling on the plausibility of genocide in Gaza demonstrates that Canada is not taking the catastrophic threat to human life seriously. Leading up to the decision, Joly expressed support for the court itself but refused to take a clear position on South Africa’s application, and even appeared to dismiss its “premise.”  When asked to clarify her position, Joly responded to inquiries flippantly, as if she and the government purposely intended to be unclear.  When the ICJ issued provisional measures ordering Israel to take measures to prevent genocide, Joly’s statement did not express support for the measures nor call upon Israel to comply with the ruling.  Rather than recognizing the seriousness of the ICJ’s provisional ruling, her response implied that before taking action, Canada needed to wait until the ICJ’s “final” decision on genocide – something that could take years. This response reflected smug indifference to the killing of Palestinians on a massive scale.    

Ultimately, Joly’s silence on the ICJ’s orders suggests that Canada has abandoned its commitment to international law, as well as our obligations under the Genocide Convention vis-à-vis the Palestinians. Worse, the government has admitted that it has approved permits for arms exports to Israel since Oct. 7. As such, in her ministerial role, Joly has chosen not to exercise her prerogative to deny arms export permits to Israel during a plausibly genocidal campaign, thus enabling the transfer of military goods to Israel despite the clear risk that they will be used against Palestinian civilians.  In a letter to Joly, more than 30 civil society organizations have warned that “Canada cannot at the same time signal support for the ICJ […] while continuing to arm those whom the ICJ has ruled are plausibly accused of genocide.”

International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen - On the same day that the ICJ ruled that Israel must increase humanitarian access to Gaza to prevent genocide, Minister Hussen announced an indefinite suspension of humanitarian aid to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees. This reckless decision was a kneejerk reaction to unproven Israeli claims about a few of the agency’s employees, collectively punishing the 2 million people in Gaza (and four million other Palestinian refugees) who rely on the agency as a lifeline. Since Canada’s announcement, UNRWA now warns that its operations will collapse if its funding is not resumed,  and UN bodies  and humanitarian aid agencies  warn of catastrophe because of this decision. While Minister Hussen subsequently increased humanitarian aid to other agencies, this redirection of funding ignores that UNRWA is the only organization currently with the capacity to deliver aid to Gaza at scale. Palestinians in Gaza are facing starvation and the emergence of epidemics of communicable disease, any damage to the remaining humanitarian infrastructure risks leading to mass deaths even after a ceasefire is obtained.

Ultimately, in the absence of any claims of mismanagement on the part of UNRWA, Minister Hussen withdrew humanitarian funding to the agency overseeing aid to a population facing genocide. The apparent assumption that other agencies can within days both 1) recreate UNRWA’s on-the-ground presence in Gaza during a genocide and war, and 2) replicate UNRWA operations throughout the Middle East, are entirely out of touch with reality. Through Hussen’s decisions, Canada is defying the many warnings that cutting UNRWA’s funding will severely harm a population already facing famine, disease, and genocide.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller – Despite the massive early death toll of Palestinian civilians, it took Minister Miller over three months to launch a temporary visa program to help Palestinian-Canadian families reunite with loved ones in Gaza.  Once opened for applications, the program was found to present huge unnecessary barriers and restrictions which limit its humanitarian potential. The visa program for Gaza is reportedly one of the most restrictive programs of its kind, with an arbitrary cap of 1,000 people causing panic and competition among Palestinian Canadians who are trying to get their loved ones out.  Moreover, the application process requires unprecedented levels of personal information, imposing a tremendous and unreasonable burden on displaced people in a war zone.  Making this worse, offensive remarks from Minister Miller and his colleagues indicated that these restrictions are motivated by a perception that the loved ones of Palestinian Canadians are an inherent security threat.  

Ultimately, Miller’s visa program fails to provide the aid and protections necessary to a population facing genocide who have relatives in Canada. The limitations built into this program, and the attitude of Miller and his colleagues have resulted in a program that is entirely out-of-touch with the realities of a genocide, causes unnecessary hardship, and reflects a clear double standard when compared with similar programs assisting other populations.

Endorsing Organizations:

Arab Palestine Association of Ontario (APAO)
Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians (APAC)
Canadian BDS Coalition
Canadian Palestinian Association of Manitoba (CPAM)
Canadian Palestinian Social Association - London
Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council (CMPAC)
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
Labour for Palestine (L4P)
World Beyond War (WBW)


Action for Palestine
Alliance Employee Union
Anatolia Islamic Center
Birthing Transformations
Bosnian Islamic Association
Bosnian Islamic Centre of Hamilton
Black Lives Matter Montreal
Calgary Immigrant Support Society
Calgary Social Workers for Social Justice
Calgarians Against Racism, Violence & Hate
Canadians Against Oppression And Persecution(CAOP)
Canadian Arab Federation 
Canadian Federation of Students - Ontario
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) - Edmonton Chapter
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) - Okanagan Chapter
Canadian Lebanese Academic Forum
Canadian Union of Labour Employees
Canada Palestine Association - Halifax
Canada Palestine Association - Vancouver
Canada-Palestine Support Network (CanPalNet)
Centre justice et foi
Casa Salvador Allende - Toronto (CASAT)
Cinema Politica
CJPME Saskatoon Chapter
Cloverdale--Langley City For Palestine
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Victoria
Collectif de Québec pour la paix
Community Action Nanaimo
Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM)
Community Peacemaker Teams
Davenport for Ceasefire
Disability Advocate
East End Acts
Edmonton Islamic Centre
Faculty for Palestine
Fédération étudiante de l'université de Sherbrooke
Freedom from War Coalition
Groupe de recherche d’intérêt public de l’UQAM 
Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War
Hochelaga Pour La Palestine
Human Without Borders
Independent Jewish Voices - Carleton
Independent Jewish Voices - Vancouver
INSAF uOttawa
Institute of Knowledge Foundation
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
Iraqi Turkmen Federation
Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario
Jerrahi Sufi Order of Canada
Justice For All Canada
Justice for Palestinians Calgary
Just Peace Advocates
Kitchener-Conestoga Riding 4 Palestine
Lasalle-Émard-Verdun 4 Palestine
Labour for Palestine - Winnipeg
Longueuil pour la Palestine
McMaster SPHR
MidIslanders for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Mississauga-Streetsville for Palestine
Muslim Association of Brantford
Muslim Food Bank and Community Services
NDP Socialist Caucus
Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
Niagara Palestine Coalition 
North Shore for Palestine
No More Silence 
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) 
Ontario Palestinian Rights Association
Ontario Public Interest Research Group - Carleton
Ontario Public Interest Research Group – Guelph
Ontario Public Interest Research Group - Peterborough 
Ontario Public Interest Research Group - York
Outremont pour la Palestine
Palestinian Canadian Congress
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
Palestine House Mississauga
Palestine Solidarity Halifax
Palestine Solidarity Network
Papineau pour la Palestine
Parkdale High Park for Palestine
Project 1907
PSAC local 902
Regina Peace Council
Réseau des Tables régionales de groupes de femmes du Québec (RTRGFQ)
Resilience Matters
Richmond 4 Palestine
Rideau Institute
Rising Tide Squamish
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Scarborough Rouge Park for Palestine
Sea to Sky Palestine
Showing Up for Racial Justice Saskatoon - Treaty Six (SURJ YXE)
Siraj Institute
Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group
Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
Socialist Project
Solidarité aux droits humains des Palestiniennes - l’Université Laval
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - Concordia University
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - McMaster University
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - Queen's University
Spadina - Fort York for Palestine
Subhan Islamic Association
SURJ Toronto
The Arusha Centre
The Obstetric Justice Project
Think for Actions
Toronto Centre for Palestine
Toronto Palestinian Families
Toronto-St. Paul’s for Palestine
United Jewish People's Order
University-Rosedale for Palestine
Uxbridge Solidarity Action Collective
Vancouver-Granville for Palestine
Vancouver-Quadra for Palestine
Victoria Friends of Cuba
Waterloo for Palestine
West Coast Coalition Against Racism
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Canada
Women In Economics & Policy Club - University of British Columbia
Worker's Coalition for Gaza
Worker Solidarity Network
Yk Citizens for Ceasefire
York Centre 4 Palestine
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