Apply to run an EAGx event
We, CEA, support EAGx events around the world to help connect members of the EA community and build stronger local and professional networks.

You can read more about the purpose of EAGx events here:

Please apply below, we aim to get back to you about next steps within ~2 weeks.
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Email *
Where would this EAGx take place? *
Please be as specific as possible. If you only know the country for now, that’s okay.
Which region would this EAGx serve?
Are there neighbouring cities or countries that you'd also aim to serve with this event?

For reference:
- EAGxCambridge served the UK
- EAGxNordics primarily served Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
- EAGxLatinAmerica served Mexico and South America
When would the EAGx take place? *
It’s okay if you don’t have a date in mind, feel free to say something as general as “some time in the next year”.
How many people would you expect to attend the event? *
Please give your best guess, and feel free to add a range of possible event sizes, if you prefer. Please consider the size of the local EA community and nearby communities in your answer.

For reference, EAG London 2023 had 1600 in-person attendees. EAGx conferences typically have 200 - 1,000 attendees.
Why should this EAGx happen? *
Please outline a brief case for why you think this event would be impactful to run. We recommend honestly communicating the strengths and weaknesses of your project rather than trying to “sell” your proposal. We don’t expect applicants to spend more than 1 hour writing this answer. Aim for 100 - 500 words.
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