Terror at Tyrol Job Application 2023
Terror at Tyrol is one of the most popular October attractions in the Madison area. Ownership and management have a lot of experience in the haunted house industry. We are currently looking to fill acting positions for our second season!

We are looking for hard working individuals who want to be creative on the job. Our team has fun out here and we would love for you to join in! If you like to be creative and can step outside of your comfort zone, then a position at our haunted house will be perfect for you! We will be running every Friday and Saturday through October. Our  Facebook and Instagram will be your best option for getting a hold of us & staying up to date on what is happening out here.

Make this October one you will never forget by joining the Terror at Tyrol team!
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Email *
Name (First, Last) *
Phone Number *
Check which days you are available. (We will be hiring those who can fulfill most if not all of our haunt schedule). All start times 7:00PM. *
Are you 18+ years old? *
Do you have a drivers license? *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? *
If yes, explain number of conviction(s), nature of offense(s) leading to conviction(s), how recently such offense(s) was/were committed, sentence(s) imposed, and type(s) of rehabilitation. *
Experience - Please give us a description of your experience as it pertains to acting/fine arts. All related interests count! *
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