Register Interest for #HACK2023
Hey there! #HACK is back, and this year (in partnership with Wesley Methodist Church) we aim to reach our largest ever record of participants 300! And we would like to invite you to be a part of this move for God. This years theme is: Love in discipleship
We are on the lookout for challenge owners/mentors for #HACK2023, if you are interested, please fill up this form, or perhaps you have a case of here I am send him, in that case send this link to your friend.

#HACK happens on 13-15 October this year. The physical location will be at Wesley Methodist Church, 5 Fort Canning Rd, Singapore 179493. Online TBC. Before you agree to be a challenge owner: Pray about: 1. Who God is leading you to serve? 2. What is their need? 3. Do you have the heart to continue the work after the hackathon with whatever is given? 4. Does your organisation have the capacity to support such an endeavour? Before you agree to be a mentor: Pray about: 1. The scope of expertise you are able to contribute (marketing, business, tech, spiritual guidance etc. ) 2. How much of your time can you avail between the 13-15th Oct (not every hour is mandatory)
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