Glow Blogs - User Feedback
We are currently starting work to collate additional user requirements for Glow Blogs and would like to understand more about how you use Blogs.

Once we have collated this high level feedback, we will be speaking to some of the respondents to gather more specific information about changes you'd like to see us make in the service.  This will allow us to make improvements to further enhance Glow Blogs while meeting the needs of Glow Blogs users.

Please review the following Glow Privacy Notice, which explains how we will process any personal data you provide:
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Are you an: *
How many Glow Blogs do you contribute to?
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What do you use Glow Blogs for?
Please give a brief description of your use of Glow Blogs:
If you would be happy to be contacted at a later date to get opinions on new Glow Blogs features, please add your email address:
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