Wairarapa Conference, Primary, Nov 2024. Mātauranga Māori & more ...
DATES: 11th and 12th November 2024. 

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WORKSHOP 1: Rivers, terraces and floodplains (FULL DAY)

Full day. A field trip exploring sites along a local river from upper to lower reaches, followed by discussion of the wide range of achievement standards that can be addressed with reference to Wairarapa’s rivers and alluvial landforms. Participants will learn that much of the modern Wairarapa landscape is a result of the interplay of tectonic uplift and climate cycles over the past million years. They will explore how the modern river system evolves along its course; how human activities have disrupted the natural flows; the rationale behind current remediation strategies, and mātauranga pūtaiao linked to river processes and histories. Options for observation and data analysis will be discussed in the context of agricultural contaminants, toxic blooms, climate change and ecosystem health.

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WORKSHOP 2: Mātauranga Māori (Rivers, terraces and floodplains) (FULL DAY)

Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 run together (so count as ONE full-day option ie you can select both to count as one day of your two days). Workshop 1 is led by Professor Chris Hollis and Joe Potangaroa (Potangaroa Education) will lead Workshop 2. Participants will be able to focus on the content of either or both workshops.

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WORKSHOP 3. Wairarapa Fault and the Hikurangi Subduction Zone (FULL DAY)

Full day. A field trip to explore how tectonic forces at an active convergent plate boundary have shaped the Wairarapa landscape from the coastal accretionary wedge, across the forearc Wairarapa basin, to the frontal ridge of the axial ranges. We will examine how oblique slip along within the Hikurangi Subduction zones is manifested in thrust faulting in the coastal hills and strike-slip faults in the west, with particular focus on the Wairarapa Fault – renowned for the largest lateral offset ever recorded on Earth, up to 16 m in the 1885 earthquake. The workshop will also explore strategies for managing the risks associated with earthquake and tsunami hazard, both locally and within the wider western Pacific region.

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WORKSHOP 4: Local River Study 

Workshop Description

Half day Understanding river health using a SHMAK kit (or similar) and visual health assessment, and the implications for the environment. Workshop would be undertaken on-site, with a reflection back inside at the end, to summarise findings. 

We will consider abiotic factors (temperature, reach dimensions, clarity, nitrogen), and biotic factors (invertebrates). This incorporates fair testing, as well as photos, measurements and tallies. 

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WORKSHOP 5 (FULL DAY)Manu and their Kai 

Workshop Description

Full day.  Starting with bird ID and five minute bird count sessions inside, before heading out for the rest of the day. Learn how to identify coastal birds and undertake 5MBC (with the group determining where they will carry out their surveys). At 5MBC stations, we will also do a quick quadrat survey (for example) of potential food sources, to determine if there is a link between the two. 
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WORKSHOP 6 (FULL DAY)Exploring the Rocky Shore 

Workshop Description

Full day. Heading out and understanding what makes a rock pool tick. Measure rock pools (including depth), taking percent covers of algae, using quadrats to measure biodiversity and abiotic factors such as temperature and oxygen, pH. Includes tallies, measurements, observations, photos and fair testing.  Using this information to infer what depends on what, and what we might expect if an abiotic factor were to change.  Summing up back at base, comparing information, brainstorming report. 
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WORKSHOP 7: Controversy in Conservation

Workshop Description

Half day. Indoors for the first part, with some activities outside. Running through the ethical considerations in conservation (activities), the representation of data for projects such as 1080 application, investigating claims and creating a science communication piece. 

MostWORKSHOP 7: Controversy in Conservation

Workshop Description

Half day. Indoors for the first part, with some activities outside. Running through the ethical considerations in conservation (activities), the representation of data for projects such as 1080 application, investigating claims and creating a science communication piece. 
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WORKSHOP 8: Tracking and Trapping (DAY 1)

Workshop Description

Half day. Time spent making ink and chew cards, running through the physiology/behaviours of introduced and endemic species, and control methods. Links in well to the ‘Controversy in Conservation’ session. 
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WORKSHOP 9: Maori Fishing technology and practices

Workshop Description

Half-day workshop. In pre-European times the seas around Aotearoa were the main food source for most Māori. But having recently arrived, the earliest Polynesian settlers were used to spearing fish in clear tropical waters. In Aotearoa the murky seas must have been initially frustrating. Māori went on to develop the fishing hook beyond any other culture on the planet.

This session will look at examples of hooks, lures, traps, nets and aquaculture, looking at design, manufacture, functionality, and explore some of the tikanga and science around traditional Māori fish harvesting and enhancement methods. This content links to NZ Histories.

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WORKSHOP 10: Sustainability in New Zealand Seas

Workshop Description

Half-day workshop. New Zealand/Aotearoa is the envy of many countries, being the only country in the world with a quota-managed fisheries resource for all commercial species. In the long term, how sustainable is commercial and recreational fishing in this country?

We will look at Commercial Fish harvesting and the controls and strategies employed to do the job efficiently. How does this compare with Aquaculture? Is aquaculture going to be the answer to supplying consumer demand for seafood? Where will we end up? How will climate change affect the marine environment and the way it works? What effects will be seen on species we are used to having in our waters. Includes a Mussel dissection and a demonstration of mussel water filtering.

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WORKSHOP 11: Exploring under the surface using low-tech solutions

Workshop Description

Looking at how schools can investigate/discover what's going on below the surface. Exploring the undersea world can be problematic. That can either put you off trying or it can create a worthy challenge to try and come up with simple solutions to find out what is going on down there. Low-tech answers can lie in using inexpensive action cameras in smart ways, taking bottom samples, video transects, light traps, plankton sampling, water sampling (temp/salinity/pH etc), sediment deposition and using ROVs. Much of this gear can be designed by students and built in a school’s technology suite. Getting real-world data from the real world, is life experience stuff and its value cannot be underestimated.

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WORKSHOP 17: Mara kai

Workshop Description

Half day:  Mara kai is usually defined as vegetable gardening but it can extend out into wild foods. We will visit sites of traditional gardens on the west side of Masterton and look at the reasons these places were chosen. It may be of interest that several of these sites are on or near schools. We will go to remnant forest to learn about edible berries, drupes and other parts of plants. And look at how Maori use whakapapa relationships between all life for nutrition and sustainability. 

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