Cannabis Open & Workshop Day registration (Sat, 28th Sep, 10am - 4pm)
Hi,  thank you for registering for our Open Day and free workshops. 

A few notes:
- Every person who wishes to attend the event needs to register separately
- These events are about connecting with like-minded people in the industry who really want to see our industry grow
- So come with an open mind and spirit, share knowledge, make new friends and let's have a good time

10am - 11am - Open Day 

Cheeba Cannabis Academy presents:
11am - 12pm - An Introduction to Cannabis Extracts (by Storm Kenmuir from The House of Extractions)

Cheeba Cannabis Academy presents:
12pm - 1pm - Introduction to Product Creation (by Katlego Kgopotse  - Chairperson of the South African Cannabis & Hemp Industry Association)

Freedom To Flow presents:
12:30pm - 4pm Yoga & Wellness Experience

Email *
First Name *
Surname Name *
Cell number *
Which City / Town do you live in? *
Are you in the Cannabis industry already? *
If you are in the Cannabis industry already please do let us know what are you are involved in.
Are you interested in Cannabis education? *
Would you be interested in joining Cheeba Delicious Cannabis Club? *
Which session(s) of the day are you attending?  *
I understand that the Open Day presentation commences at 10am. *
Where to find us: Cheeba Cannabis Academy, Nevada Eden Park, 4th Avenue (at the end of Rivonia Boulevard), Edenburg, Johannesburg, 2121
Open & Workshop Day, 28th Sep
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