Community User Experience Questionnaire
Dear user:
Hello! In order to improve the user experience of the community, we plan to upgrade the website. To this end, we hope to collect your valuable feedback so that we can carry out targeted development optimization.
This questionnaire includes a series of evaluation questions, all of which are scored on a 1-5 scale. Please choose an option that best suits your thoughts based on your real experience.
Every choice you make is very important to us. To thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey, you can fill in the name of your community at the end of the questionnaire, and we will give you 100 points for the community (please fill in the questionnaire carefully). Thank you again for your support and cooperation!
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1. Are you satisfied with the overall communication atmosphere in the community? *
2. How satisfied are you with the content review and management in the community?
3. Are you satisfied with the level of activity in discussions within the community?
4. To what extent do you need a PDF preview feature?
5. Would you like AI to automatically summarize, interpret, and analyze the text in PDFs?
6. Would you like AI to automatically identify and highlight important information in PDFs?
7. In the PDF preview feature, would you like to get a list of similar literature through AI?
8. Is the current layout of the website clear and easy to understand?
9. Do you find the current website’s navigation menu clear and easy to understand?
10. Does the current way the website displays content align with your reading habits?
11. How much do you want community discussion sections divided by disciplines  ?  (e.g., Engineering, Mathematics, Biology)
12. How much do you want community discussion sections divided by specific academic journals?(e.g., Science, CELL, PNAS)
13. How much do you want community discussion sections divided by research fields?(e.g., Nanotechnology, Microorganisms)
14. Your gender 
15. Your age
16. Your major 
17. Your region/city
18. Your WhatsApp number, so we can communicate with you in real-time and you can share your thoughts anytime (optional)
19. Your name in the community (for us to award points)
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