Adult Volunteer Application
This form is for individual volunteer applicants who are 18+ years old. No information you record here will be shared outside of Tracy Aviary.

** Please note that if you are seeking to complete court ordered community service hours, the correct application can be found here
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Please give your chosen first name and last name.
If you prefer a nickname, let us know below.
Please let our staff know your pronouns when communicating with you.
Phone Number *
Street Address/ Apartment # *
We only use address information in volunteer demographic reports and to mail you thank-you cards once a year. We do not mail anything else to volunteers.
City/ State/ ZIP of Residence *
Adult COVID-19 Status
Please indicate if you would be more comfortable in a masked working environment. Typically, volunteer opportunities will be limited to activities and services that can be completed outdoors, where social distancing is possible.

If you are sick and still plan to show up for a shift, please be sure to wear a mask. 
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